Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: James 1:19

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trust God in making future plans

James 4:13-17

13 - 16 It is good to have goals, but goals can disappoint us if we leave God out of them.  There is no point in making plans as though God does not exist, because the future is in his hands.  What would you like to be doing ten years from now?  One year from now?  Tomorrow?  How will you react if god steps in and rearranges your plans?  Plan ahead, but hold on to your plans loosely.  I f you put God's desires at the center of your planning, he will never disappoint you. 

14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away

Life is short no matter how long we live.  Don't be deceived into thinking you have lots of remaining time to live for Christ, to enjoy your loved ones, or to do what you know you should.  Live for God today!  Then no matter when your life ends, you will have fulfilled God's plan for you. 

17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. 

We tend to think that doing wrong is sin.  But James tells us that sin is also not doing right.  (These two kinds of sins are sometimes called sins of commission and sins of omission.)  It is a sin to lie; it can also be a sin to know the truth and not tell it.  It is a sin to speak evil of someone; it is also a sin to avoid him when you know he needs your friendship.  We should be willing to help as the Holy Spirit guides us.  If God has directed you to some kind act to do, some service to render, or some relationship to restore, do it and you will experience a renewed and refreshed vitality to your Christian faith. 

Two verses that stick out to me today.  The first is one that I had memorized a long time ago (20 years or so) and I still tend to forget that our life is short.  How many times do I tell Anna.. maybe tomorrow.  Not now.. Maybe next week.  How do I manage all I need to do today and not push other things aside?  This is something that I need to pray on.  The last thing I want to do is constantly push special times with Anna, aside.  

 The second verse I had never thought about.  However, just a few days ago I was watching a momversation about lying to your children.. and she mentioned about how she just doesn't really lie about Santa or the Tooth fairy.. she just doesn't tell the truth either..  and I got to thinking.. is it just as wrong to withold the truth?  Apparently it is.. now I am not saying we need to go out there and tell the truth about Santa.. however, there are lots of times we withhold information from our loved ones.. I know I have.  (I just won't tell the whole story and he won't get upset).. or what about those deeds we feel the Lord is leading us to do.. I tend to try my best to ignore or not take notice.. Never did I really think that this would be categorized as sinning.. although it is disobedience.. I think it is just easier to ignore it.  hmm... 

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