Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: James 1:19

Monday, January 4, 2010

My Bible Study Journal

I have decided that I really need to start studying my Bible.  I have been failing miserably at this and just need to start over now!  I have done a bit of googling and came across some good tips.

  1. Decide On A Time.  My goal will be around 6:30am.  I plan to start riding my bike and listening to praise at 6am.. then having my morning tea with Bible study. 
  2. Decide On a Place. That will be Living Room table, which means it needs to be cleared off in the evenings before bed!  
  3. Decide On a Time Frame.  I will start with 15 min and move from there.  
  4. Decide on a General Structure.  I would like to read at least one chapter.. then read each verse again and really thinking on the meaning.  
  5. Choose a Bible Reading Plan or Bible Study.  Right now my plan will be to start in the book of James and allow the Lord's leading when the time comes for the next book to choose.  
  6. Plan to Spend Some Time in Prayer.  This will be a tough one.. But I will pray before each reading starts.  
  7. Consider Spending Some Time in Worship.  This will start when I bike in the mornings.. I will only listen to praise during this time.  
  8. Consider Spending Some Time in Writing in a Journal.  I am hoping to use this blog for my Bible Journaling
  9. Commit to Follow Your Daily Devotional Plan - This will be the hardest part.. but I need to remember if I fail to get back up and keep going.  
  10. Be Flexible and Willing to Make Changes to Your Plan.  This should be the best time for me, however, I know that weekends will be tougher and will probably need to work on an adjustment there. 
  1. Keep working at your daily devotional plan for 21 days. By then it should become a habit.
  2. Pray for God to give you the desire and the discipline to spend time with him each day.
  3. Don’t give up. Eventually you will discover the joys and blessings of your obedience.
  4. If you are married, consider developing a couple's devotional plan.
What You Need:
  • A Bible
  • A Pen or Pencil
  • A Notebook or Journal
  • A Bible Reading Plan
  • A Bible Study or Study Aid
  • A Quiet Place

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